Steering Committee
The Jamestown Branch is governed by a steering committee that consists of six elected members of the branch, a newsletter chairman and advisory members. Elected members serve three year terms starting in July with two members being elected annually.
President Erin Klein (2022-2025) 701-320-4560 |
Secretary/Diversity Lauren Sako (2022-2025) 701-269-5164 |
Finance Mary Craft (Ongoing) 714-335-4630 |
Communications Elizabeth Oppegaard (2021-2024) 701-251-1783 |
Newsletter-Communications/Book Store Donna Gullickson (appointed) 701-252-1136 |
Co-Membership (2022-2025) Louise Williams 612-770-0130 |
Co-Membership (2022-2025) Candace Dempsey 701-320-1166 |
Website (appointed) Debbie Alber 701-946-4166 |