On behalf of the AAUW National Convening Task Force and AAUW Board of Directors, we are pleased to announce plans for 2020 and a celebration that marks the 100th anniversary of women’s right to vote, as well as an important election year and AAUW’s role for 137 years and counting as a national leader for gender equity.
The 2020 National Convening will engage members across the country — through livestreams, webinars, and other communications — to participate in important initiatives and events such as marking Equal Pay Day to advocate for better laws and positive employer pay practices, rallying around landmark court cases for women, and launching research about the status of women on campuses today to continue to push for greater equity. Also, as 2020 is an election year, we can tap into the legacy of securing the right to vote to ensuring women exercise this right, by supporting voter registration and Get Out the Vote activities and events. As states and branches participate in a range of 19th Amendment commemorative activities, we can bring our energy and experiences together with national and regional convenings to help galvanize the movement and attract new generations and supporters for the future.
For those who are able to travel to Washington, DC, there will be a 1–2 day program that will include an AAUW National Awards event combined with a lobby day training and trip to Capitol Hill. Dates and venues are still being finalized and we will update you on these details as soon as possible so you can save the date!
We believe that through the yearlong 2020 National Convening, in place of an AAUW National Convention, we will be able to include more members in more meaningful ways as well as provide more cost-efficient opportunities for the organization and individual members.
Highlights from the 2017 National Convention – Washington, D.C.
Here are some highlights of the 2017 National Convention which was attended by branch member Jill Schlenker.
Convention Photos
- AAUW – Change is Good
- Speakers
- Hands On Activities
- Small Group Discussion
- ND Delegation at Capital
- Senator Heitkamp
- National AAUW President
- AAUW on Capital Hill
A video telling the AAUW Story
And another about AAUW’s good works: