Second Chapter AAUW Bookstore


BOGO Red Book Sale Feb. 8
“Second Chapter AAUW Bookstore”

Have you read a RED book lately? We’re celebrating Valentine’s Day with a special sale – stop in on Feb. 8 and buy a red soft cover and receive another red soft cover free! Every category eligible.

Second Chapter AAUW Bookstore  Grand Opening

Members had refreshments and door prizes as they celebrated the Grand Opening of the Second Chapter AAUW Bookstore now located at 810 18 St. SW, Jamestown, ND, on Saturday, November 30.  Here are some highlights:

Our business hours are 10:00 am – 6:00 pm Monday – Friday.  We will accept book donations during business hours.

AAUW Used Bookstore
810 18 St. S.W., Jamestown

Monday – Friday -10:00 AM – 5:00 PM

The used bookstore is operated in conjunction with Bufftown Bargains, a community based local consignment and thrift store.  Please like our Facebook Page to stay updated on specials and bookstore news.

The book store will accept your used book donations during business hours only! DO NOT LEAVE DONATIONS OUTSIDE OF THE BUILDING, always leave with a volunteer.

Types of Books Accepted

  • Fiction books: published within the past 10 years
  • Non-fiction books: published with the past 15 years
  • Exceptions: Classics, regional or special interest.
  • NO text books, encyclopedias, magazines or Readers Digest Condensed Books

The permanent book store was started by branch member, Ruth Kraft, who had a passion for books and people.  The store is now managed, in her memory, by branch member, Jody Larson and a staff of very dedicated volunteers.  Bookstore committee members are: Jody Larson, Connie Lillejord and Joni Zink.   Louise Williams coordinates the volunteers.

All proceeds from the book store are used to support branch philanthropy projects including the AAUW Educational Fund,  Jamestown College AAUW Endowment Fund, AAUW Legal Advocacy Fund, Tech Savvy and other community minded projects in the Jamestown area that support the AAUW mission such as the James River Valley Library, The Arts Center, and Frontier Village School House.  Bookstore volunteers are needed to work daily. We have two shifts available from 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM and from 1:00 PM – 5:00 PM.  For more information or to volunteer please contact Jody Larson at 701-252-1106.