Monday, March 3 Jamestown AAUW members and other volunteers will greet over 300 middle school students as they gather to learn about Stem Careers on the University of Jamestown campus!
We need your help as we welcome over 270 middle school students from 8 schools in the county/region.
Check out the fun sessions and event information at: Click on STEM DAY box at the top.
There are a wide range of volunteer opportunities. Some are for a couple hours to others that are for the day (8:30 am – 2:30 pm)
Our volunteer needs are as follows:
- Presenter check in 8:30 – 10:00 am (3 needed)
- Information desk/check in desk – 8:30 – 2 pm (2 needed)
- Workshop Helper – 9 am – 2:30 pm (Assist STEM professional during hands-on workshop. Check-in students, oversee students during hands-on activity, clean-up prepare for next group) Each workshop is 50 minutes long and is repeated three times. Lunch is provided for volunteers) (9 needed)
- Building Monitors – Assigned to a building where you help presenters find their rooms during set-up, help students find rooms between sessions. 8:30 – 10 set-up and then 15 minutes every hour. (so best to bring an activity to do during the times students are in session. 8:30 – 2:30 pm (3 needed)
- Help students during noon activity. 10:30 – 1 pm. 4 sessions lasting 25 minutes each where groups of students do a team challenge. (4 needed)
For those not able to help the day of the event, we will be putting together student name tags and supplies on Thursday, February 20 at the NDSU Stutsman County Extension Office from 9 am – 12:30 pm.
Please respond to with your name, email, phone number and where you would like to volunteer. You are welcome to invite a friend or spouse to join in the fun.